Graffiti as a tools for recreation among teenagers

The graffiti arts are significant in the context of leisure and recreation. The graffiti arts are influence by the factor of social inclusion regarding leisure and recreation activities. Even though the graffiti arts has been considered as the negative behaviour that describe certain population or communities that have delinquency in behaviour especially teenagers, but then it is consider as a tools to harmonized and at the same time this kind of activity will cure the delinquent behaviour. Graffiti art also will provide an opportunities for the communities to use the time wisely instead of involving themselves in doing crime and others. Other than that, graffiti arts also give the opportunities for the certain countries especially urban area or suburban area to attract the local or foreign tourist to come and gain profit for instance in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. 

Therefore, there are some of the  action need to be taken to encourage the teenagers stop the graffiti vandalism. 

a) Provide some walls at the public area and park 
This kind of action may encourage the teenagers to express their behaviour and expression. Other than that, they can fulfill their leisure time by doing this kind of recreation. 

b) Create an event for the communities regarding drawing and involvement of arts 
This event can encourage the communities especially teenagers so that they can show their talents on drawing and arts to the public and at the same time, it will generate the income fore the certain area who did this events  

We need to encourage the communities so that they have concern on the graffiti vandalism and more appreciating arts so that they will be more harmony.

Image result for Graffiti arts event 

Shows the graffiti arts advertising event implemented at Las Vegas  

Indoor Event Graffiti Art Performance - Portland Event Marketing - Nequik 2
Image result for Graffiti arts event

Encouraging the children on the street art in Spain